Any Medium • Any Project • Any Phase
Crit Club! is a monthly meeting for artists, designers, and any creative type to present and receive feedback on works in progress. Aimed to replicate the types of critiques students participated in while in school, Crit Club! made the experience available to post graduates in a very relaxed environment. Often, freelance designers no longer have a group to bounce ideas off of, so Crit Club! filled that void. The identity for Crit Club! showcased the various stages of a work with three circles—each circle becoming more perfect, with Crit Club! as the middle step. The color palette was kept neutral to help relax people about having to present in front of a group.

Initial Meeting
In order to start the club, the first meeting led off with a critique of the club brand itself by those attending the first meeting. Many variations of the logo were presented and the members discussed and finalized the logo to be used in future club promotions.