Seafairing Brand
Moon brand cheese speaks to the connection between the moon and the ocean and its importance to night time sea travel for those who travel on the high seas. The triangular shape of the label is used to simply suggest a wedge of cheese. Sitting atop the moon imagagery is a lighthouse which further suggests the navigational properties of the moon and the connection of the captain to the world around him.

Functional Packaging
The packaging is a simple paper wrapper with the label functioning as a seal to hold it shut. The graphics on the paper wrapper serve many functions—the months of the year that encompass the outside work with the degree marks to help a lonely sea captain ration his cheese during the long months at sea, while the star charts serve as a reminder of star-based navigational points, with the northern star or “Polaris” sitting right in the center.

The pattern that covers the wrapper is based on a fishing net, an object that any sea dweller would find comforting and familiar. The corners and edges of the wrapper contain other boating objects which act as little surprises that the captain would find as he unwraps the cheese.